Sometimes three or four writers would have a hand in a single play. 有时一部剧本会是三四个作家共同创作的。
Sometimes, a single play may contain more than one theme : the main plot and the sub-plot exist side by side. 有时一出简单的戏包含不止一个主题;主要情节与次要情节并行发展。
It will be ineffective if Hunan TV only marketing for a single play. 在湖南卫视的营销模式中,可以看到如果就事论事,只针对一部偶像剧做单一的营销,其效果并不好。
Legislative protection than a single play of the protective effect of dispersion is more obvious, is of great significance. 单独立法比分散保护起到的保护作用更为明显,具有重大的意义。
In symmetrical positions, a single tempo can play a decisive role. The first player to undertake aggressive actions can often force his opponent into a permanently passive role. 均势中,一步棋就能起决定的作用。先走者的主动的行动常可迫使对手始终被动。