You can now view attributes, operations, flow ports and ports inherited from super blocks on block definition and internal block diagrams and features dialog of the derived class. 现在您可以从块定义和内部块图以及特性对话框的上层快中,查看属性、操作、流程图。
Another view attributes it to the fault of vocation system and external practice environment. 另一种观点则将审计失败归因于行业制度缺陷和外部执业环境。
When trying to explain why taxation growth kept overtaking the economy growth, the mainstream view attributes the phenomenon to the tax system, tax policy as well as tax administration. 在试图解释税收收入不断超经济增长时,主流观点是将其归因于税收制度、税收政策和税收征管三个主要因素共同作用的结果。
The more technical users can view technical attributes that are hidden from the business user. 更多的技术用户可以查看对业务用户隐藏的技术属性。
Click Attributes to view the attributes for that task. 单击Attributes查看该任务的属性。