However, the existing financing cost system and accounting method cannot control the actual logistic expense. So, we use the accounting method based on activity and time. 然而,现行的财务会计制度和会计核算方法不能准确地掌握物流费用的实际发生情况,基于此,本文提出运用作业与时间相结合的方法进行物流成本核算。
The actual average consumption expense of herdsman families is remarkably higher than that of farmer families in terms of the absolute consumption level. 研究发现:1.从绝对水平比较,牧户的实际人均生活消费支出额明显高于农户。
It is related with personal ability and actual situation of affording the expense and also the macro phenomenon caused by excessive increase of medical expense. 它既是一个与个人支付能力和实际支付状况有关的范畴,更是一个因医药费用过度增长引发的宏观现象。
Experimental results show that the modified Huffman compression algorithm compared with original algorithm can achieve a higher actual configuration speed at the expense of compression ratio to some extent. 实验证明,改进的Huffman配置压缩算法与原始算法相比,尽管在一定程度上影响了压缩率,但实现了系统实际配置速度的提高。
Actual manipulation involves intentional cross-border policy with effects that unambiguously shift trade, with any growth coming at others ' expense. 真正的汇率操纵必然包含有意的跨境政策,其影响是明确改变贸易状况,由此实现的增长都以牺牲其他国家的利益为代价。