A program in execution, a process is an active entity, which can cause things to occur, as opposed to a program, which is a passive entity. 一种正在执行中的程序,是一种活着的实体,能引起事件的发生;而程序是被动的,处于静止状态。
Delegation means that an active entity in a system can delegate its privileges to other active entities, who are enabled to perform these privileges on behalf of the delegating entity. The role-based user-to-user delegation has gained the widest research. 委托表示系统中某个处于活动状态的实体将自己的权力转授给其他活动实体,使被授予的实体可以代表授予实体执行相应的权力,目前研究的重点是基于角色的用户-用户委托。
Delegation is referred to as one active entity in a system delegate authority to another entity to carry out some functions on behalf of the former in order to improve agility in managing permissions. 委托授权是指系统中的主体将权限委托给其他主体,使得权限的接收者可以根据前者的要求执行一些工作,从而提高授权管理的灵活性,应对异常情况。
Delegation is referred to as some active entity in system assign its permission to other active entity to carry out some functions on behalf of the former. 委托授权是指系统中的某些主动实体(AE)将自己的权限指派给其它实体,使得权限的接收方可以代替前者完成一定的工作。
This paper has analyzed the active learning entity match method through the experiment and the merit and the limiting condition of the iterative SVM automatic entity match method. ( 4 ) The matching problem of recorded cluster entity is studied. 通过实验分析了主动学习实体匹配方法和迭代SVM自动实体匹配方法的优点及限制条件。(4)研究了复杂数据结构的记录簇实体匹配问题。