In the movie After Earth(AE), Will Smiths character says, Fear is not real. It is a product of thoughts you create. 在电影《重返地球》中,威尔史密斯饰演的角色说:恐惧并不真实存在,仅是思想的产物。
Bottling in December of the following year after earth filtration and fining if necessary. 隔年12月装瓶,若有需要则会在装瓶前过滤凝清酒液。
The pair teamed up once more for the upcoming 2013 action-adventure flick, After Earth(AE), playing a father and son who encounter a deserted planet after a crash landing. 两人再次联手出演2013年上映的动作冒险片《重返地球》,饰演一对遭遇飞船重创后迫降到废弃星球的父子。
JADEN SMITH : THE PURSUIT OF HAPPYNESS AND AFTER EARTH The young actor-musician, 14, served as his dad's ultimate movie sidekick, playing the son of a struggling salesman in the 2006 biographical film. 贾登•史密斯:《当幸福来敲门》及《重返地球》这位14岁的年轻演员兼音乐人作为他父亲的终极电影搭档,在2006年的传记电影中饰演挣扎中的推销员的儿子。
In the section onthe status and the cause of problems of social public security before and after earth - quake occurrences, the problems and the causes of problems of social public security appearing after the issuance of an earthquake prediction and before and after earthquake occurrences are outlined. 在地震前后社会治安情况及原因一节中,概述了地震预报意见发布后和发生地震前后出现的社会治安问题及原因。