Such concerns still matter because, in order for a casino to be built on Matsu, Taiwan first has to pass the Gambling Act(GA), a bill currently in draft form that would legalize gambling under certain circumstances. 这种担忧目前仍然会产生影响,因为,为了在马祖岛建设赌场,台湾首先必须通过《赌博法(GA)》(GamblingAct),这项将使赌博在特定情况下合法化的法案目前仍处于草案阶段。
The supporters of the Gambling Act(GA) are hoping the draft will be put in front of the legislature by the end of the year. 《赌博法(GA)》的支持者希望草案可以在今年年底前提交立法院审议。
The widespread abuse led to the United Kingdom Parliament intervening and passing the Life Assurance Act 1774. This is still in force and is commonly known as the Gambling Act(GA). 事态的恶性蔓延导致了英国议会对保险业的干预,英国1774年的《人寿保险法》就是在这种背景下产生的,后人熟知的关于投机的法案亦同时得以生效。
British Marine Gambling Insurance Act 英国海上赌博保险法
When asked if that didn't constitute gambling, the minister replied," It's merely a scientific method of determining just who is going to commit an act of charity. " 别人问他那是否构成赌博行为时,牧师答道:“这仅仅是决定由谁来做一件善事的一种科学方法。”