Traditional vests like his are handmade in Thailand and sent to flea markets and families in the Twin Cities(TC), he said. 传统的背心像他是手工在泰国和发送到跳蚤市场和家庭中的双子城,他说。
Largest city in minnesota; located in southeastern Minnesota on the Mississippi river; one of the twin cities. 美国明尼苏达州最大的城市;位于尼苏达州东南部,密西西比河畔;双城中的一个。
Nathan A. Good lives in the Twin Cities(TC) area of Minnesota. NathanA.Good居住在明尼苏达州的双子城。
The activities selected were intended to provide a cultural snapshot of the Twin Cities(TC) and typical student life. 课外活动为同学们提供了一个了解双城和美国大学学生文化生活的机会。
The visitors also made a promise to the United States to describe a reporter twin cities story. 这位美国客还绘声绘色地给记者描述了一个双城故事。