In the Czech Republic, FCE is accepted as a language qualification for middle and senior management public service employees. 捷克共和国将FCE考试设为中级和高级公务员的语言水平标准。
Higher vocational college features training the senior technique, management, service people for profession to front line of production. 高职学院重在培养在生产第一线的高级技术、管理、服务人才。
Short-term debt has certain corporate governance functions of giving senior management the hard constraints imposed by debt service in order to curb their opportunistic behavior. 短期债务具有一定的公司治理功能,它能够给高级管理人员施加还本付息的硬约束,以抑制他们的机会主义行为。
We invite senior wealth management consultants to share investment and wealth management experience with you, provide to you face to face world-class wealth management service. 邀请资深理财顾问,与您畅谈投资理财经验,分享世界级财富管理服务。
Based on the case of the Senior Cadre Bureau of Nanchang Municipal Party Committee, this thesis is focusing on the analysis of the retired cadres ' management and service in Nanchang through the comprehensive methodologies of public management, organizational behavior and statistics. 本文以南昌市为例,以退休干部服务管理为研究视角,运用公共管理学、组织行为学和数据统计等方法,对南昌市退休干部服务管理工作进行分析。