I 'm guessing this is in connection to the previous question so please see above. 我猜这个问题与前面的问题有联系,请看上面的问题。
Use the method from the previous question and assume that the32-bit kernel is enabled. 使用回答前一个问题的方法并假设启用了32位内核。
This is another variation to the previous question. 这是另一种不同以往的质询。
Previous question, which of the following factors are the conditions you consider when choosing a different investment? 承上题,请问你在选择不同的投资公司时,下列那种因素是你选择的条件?可选多项。
This set of properties is often associated with an item class, as we discussed in the answer to the previous question. 正如在回答前面的问题时所讨论的那样,这组属性通常与一个项目类相关联。