Makoto Shinkai is a Japanese anime director, animator, and principal voice actor. 新海诚是日本著名的动画导演、动画家和声优。
In many cases, a voice actor will become the official voice of a specific Hollywood actor. 很多时候,一个配音演员(VA)会成为某个好莱坞演员的指定配音演员(VA)。
But at the beginning, he was planning to have a Chenese voice actor do the voice over after the filming, so his Chinese lines sound natural. 在电影刚开拍的时候,为了让他在影片中的声音听起来自然,剧组的原计划是在做作后期处理时,为真田先生的角色寻找一位中文配音演员(VA)。