The museum includes an extensive variety of Ilana Goor's works from different periods and themes as well as an international collection of etchings, drawings and paintings by various artists. 博物馆包括从不同时期和主题,以及各艺术家的版画,素描和油画国际上收集伊拉娜古尔的作品,广泛的品种。
By the time, these various artists who had come a long way together had reached a certian artistic maturity and decided to part company. 至此,在这些各具个性的艺术家们合作许久之后,他们各自的艺术风格成熟了,因而决定分道扬镳。
In addition to contributing songs and producing tracks on @ no strings attached @, j.c's been writing and producing tracks for various artists. 查塞兹除了为《振翅高飞》写歌和作曲外,也为其他艺术家们作曲。
Around the square, various performances of folk artists were also in full swing. 广场四周,各类民间艺人的展演也进行如火如荼。
The second part describes the exploration of different artistic language took by various schools of western artists, also discloses the intrinsic pattern and presentation of the language transformation. 第二部分阐述了西方各画派画家们对不同形式的绘画语言的探索历程,揭示了语言转变的内在规律和具体体现。