Without any myth or magic, we find royalty and vampires lurking in Pattinson's life & making his story just as supernatural as the one he is playing on screen, Tyler said. Tyler称:没有任何虚构和魔法,我们发现藏于帕丁森人生中的皇室与吸血鬼成分,这让他的故事就像电影中呈现的一样神秘莫测。
There are still other people who follow the magic path of intution and find themselves in their Promised Land in the twinkling of an eye. 还有一些人会跟着感觉走,转眼之间就到了他们梦想中的天堂。
If, however, you believe anything is possible with the proper focus and energy, and you believe in magic, magic will flow over, under, around and through to find you. 如果你相信只要有恰当的关注和能量通灵就有可能,你还相信魔法,那么魔法也会最终找到你。
Compare the two magic woods in Qingkou village on the time of traditional feast, we can find that tourism not always bring cultural change, the culture also represent fixedness. 通过对哈尼山寨箐口村传统节日“昂玛突”活动中两个寨神林的考察可以发现,旅游开发并不必然带来目的地文化的变迁,目的地文化还表现出固守的一面。