He had dragged out from the corners of his memory some more fragments of forgotten rhymes. 温斯顿从他记忆的角落,还真给些早忘到脑后的老歌,挖出了只言片语。
In General Threshold Scheme, different numbers of private key fragments are distributed based on the differences of the privilege of escrow in which the greater privilege escrow can access to more fragments. 普通门限方案根据托管者的特权不同,分配不同数目的密钥碎片。特权大的托管代理可获得多个密钥碎片。
In order to make advantages of liquid strain, the hyphae were further broken by stirrer, which produced more hypha fragments in a unit of volume. 用搅拌器进一步将菌丝打断,使单位体积中产生更多菌丝片段,充分发挥液体菌种优点。
When incident electron energy is below the ionization threshold of target molecule, an electron-molecule resonant state can be formed. Due to the state instability, the temporary negative ion will dissociate into a negatively charged ion plus one or more neutral fragments. 当能量低于目标分子的电离阈值的入射电子与分子碰撞时,会发生电子贴附分子解离,生成一个负离子碎片和一个或者几个中性碎片。
First, we significantly improved the way the runtime manages the free list, thereby making more effective use of fragments. 首先,我们显著改进了运行时管理空闲列表的方式,从而能够更有效地利用碎片。