The small Japanese man smiled, his eyes nearly closed behind their thick lenses. 小个子日本人笑了起来,在他厚厚的镜片后,眼睛眯的都快要闭起来了。
Japanese man has admitted raping and killing a British teacher whose body was found buried in a bathtub. 一名日本男子(JM)承认强奸并杀害了一位英国教师,这位教师的尸体被埋于浴缸下。
His daughter has had her heart set on marrying a Japanese man. 他的女儿一门心思想嫁给一个日本人。
" You look puzzled," said a small Japanese man with very large eye-glasses. 一个带着大框眼镜的小个日本人说道。
But since she married a Japanese man and had three children, she does not work regularly and depends on her husband to send money home. 但在她嫁给了一个日本人,生了3个孩子后,她没有稳定工作,要靠丈夫寄钱回家。