When John ( john ) logs in, only the create operation is successful. 当John(john)登录时,只有创建操作成功。
Former co-heads include John Weinberg and John Whitehead; Robert Rubin and Stephen Friedman; and Jon Corzine and Henry Paulson. 高盛过去就有过不少这样的先例,前联席首席执行官包括约翰•温伯格和约翰•怀特黑德、罗伯特•鲁宾和史蒂芬•弗里德曼以及乔恩•科赛和亨利•鲍尔森。
To log in as John ( use john as the user name and password ), refer to the initial section of this article where you created a repository connection and logged in as the ADMIN user. 以John的名义登陆(使用john作为用户名和密码),参考这篇文章最初部分,您创建存储库和作为ADMIN用户登陆的地方。
If you want to send a private note to your friend John Doe, you encrypt that message with John Doe's public key ( which you've stored on your own keyring ). 如果您要将一封私有短信发送给您的朋友JohnDoe,您可以使用JohnDoe的公钥(您已经将其存储在自已的keyring中)加密该消息。
This significantly improves performance in cases where a query, for example, might be for " John Doe " instead of " John A.Doe ". 这在进行对诸如“JohnDoe”而不是“JohnA.Doe”的查询时将显著地提高性能。