Artist Jeffrey Thomas(JT) has created a " Twisted Princess " series, taking some of Disney finest characters and giving them a turn for the macabre. 杰弗里托马斯艺术家创造了一个“扭曲的公主”系列,以迪斯尼最优秀的某些字符,并让他们为恐怖转向。
I've been reading quite a few books lately about corporate leadership, from Thomas Neff and James Citrin's Lessons from the Top to Jeffrey Garten's The Mind of the CEO. 最近我读了很多有关企业领导艺术的书籍,从托马斯·内夫(ThomasNeff)与詹姆斯·斯垂恩(JamesCitrin)合著的《高层的教训》到杰弗里·加藤(JeffreyGarten)的《CEO的理念》。