Mr Johnson will soon vacate City Hall for the House of Commons. 约翰逊将很快离开伦敦市政厅到下议院任职。
Boris Johnson, the present mayor, says he too wants power shifted from Westminster to City Hall. 伦敦现任市长鲍里斯•约翰逊(BorisJohnson)表示,他也希望让权力从英国议会转到伦敦市政厅。
Dr Johnson was no doubt also thinking of the many businesses and shops in England's busy capital city. 约翰逊博士无疑也想到了英国这一繁忙的首都城市里那许多商行和店铺。
Johnson had a lot of questions about life in New York, and as I rambled on about the wonderful energy of the city streets, it occurred to me that I should really leave my apartment more often. 约翰逊问了许多有关纽约生活的问题。当我叙述着这个城市街头五光十色的景象时,不禁想到,我真的应该更经常走出公寓。