The disease is more commonly known as Mad Cow(MC) Disease 这种疾病更通俗的名称是疯牛(MC)病。
In1990 Britain was worried about infected beef and " mad cow disease ". 在1990年,英国曾经担心过被感染的牛和“疯牛(MC)病”。
Europe has lived, for several years now, under the shadow of the so-called mad cow disease. 现在,欧洲已经被所谓的“疯牛(MC)病”的阴影笼罩了好几年。
As mad cow disease hits country after country, the fear of catching the human form has infected Americans. 疯牛(MC)病更流行,它波及&个又一个国家,担心患人型疯牛(MC)病的恐惧已影响了美国人。
And it also did not undertake its own international responsibility so that mad cow disease spread to other countries. 而且也没有很好地承担起国际责任,导致疯牛(MC)病扩散至其他国家。