No one will be able to eat a meatball at IKEA again without thinking about black beauty. 再也没有人愿意去吃宜家(Ikea)的肉丸,因为这会让人想起《黑骏马》(BlackBeauty)。
And then black beauty couldn't take it any longer. 然后那黑美人(BB)无法再忍受了。
I called him Black Beauty(BB), as I had just read the book, and he resembled his namesake in every way, from his glossy black coat to the white star on his forehead. 我管它叫黑美人(BB),这是我刚刚读过的一本书的名字。我的小马人如其名,从他油光闪亮的黑色外套,到他额头的白色星形,无不俊朗非凡。
Black Beauty(BB) > is a sensational second half of the 19th century classic children fiction literary circles. 《黑骏马》是一部十九世纪下半叶轰动欧洲文坛的经典儿童小说。
Novel leading character " black beauty " dark horse is a horse pretty good seed, from elite families living in character everyone and kind, and smart, like his great master. 小说主人公“黑骏马”是一匹漂亮的优种黑马,从小生活在贵族人家,性格温顺、善良,而且聪明,主人非常喜欢他。