An Event-Based Injection and Ignition Timing Control(ITC) Strategy for a Gasoline Engine 基于事件的电喷汽油机喷油点火时序控制策略研究
Investigation of High Compression Ratio and Ignition Timing Control(ITC) for Gas Engine 燃气发动机高压缩比和点火正时控制(ITC)的研究
A flaming angle measuring system for closed-loop ignition timing control of petrol engines is outlined in this paper, and an experimental example on a BJ492Q petrol engine is provided. 介绍了一种用于汽油机点火正时闭环控制的火焰信号角测量系统,并在BJ492Q型汽油机上作了实例试验分析。
However, it is still confronted with problems in ignition timing control, transient operation and control system. 但其还存在着火时刻控制、变工况控制及其控制系统等方面的难点。
Some automotive applications are antilock brakes, smart shock absorbers, vehicle counting systems, and ignition timing and control systems. 汽车上的应用包括防锁死煞车、智慧型避震器、车辆计数系统,点火时间与控制系统。