It pays a great attention to how to deliver electric maps through Internet, which means that the user can manipulate a map interactively in browser / server environment, and need not to install any GIS soft in the client side. 其主要研究内容是:如何通过Internet发布电子地图,即采用浏览器/服务器的计算模式,在客户方不需要任何特殊的配置便可进行交互式地图操作。
A GIS tool chain might include QGIS, the GRASS software suite, a3-D PostGIS database, and a map server delivering data sets and maps to users accessing mapping sites over the Internet. GIS工具链可包括QGIS、GRASS软件套件、一个三维PostGIS数据库和一个向通过Internet访问地图网站的用户提供数据集和地图的地图服务器。
It uses the computing model of Browser / Server and publishes electronic map with Internet, then it will achieve the functions of GIS. 即采用浏览器/服务器的计算模式通过Internet发布电子地图,实现GIS中的功能。