You 'll be able to post events to the news feed, send messages, and other cool stuff using the API. 你可以使用API将新的事件发布到新闻feed中,发消息和做其他许多很酷的事情。
Because a lot of things are going to happen! There are death eaters, the Quidditch World cup, a dragon and a lot of other cool stuff. 因为将要有许多事情都要在这部戏里发生了,比如说摄魂怪,魁地奇的世界杯,巨龙以及其他一些酷毙了的事物。
He loved the same kung fu movies and video games as other boys. They have really cool stuff there such as actions, passions, adventures, spies, everything. 和其他同龄人一样,他也喜欢武打片和电子游戏。那里放的片子好来劲儿,武打的、言情的、惊险的、间谍的,什么都有。
The other reason I took this job, was so that I could do really cool stuff like this. 我接受这个工作的另一原因,是为了能像这样酷。