Inductive reasoning is viewed as a form of hypothesis generation and hypothesis selection or testing. 假设检验模型认为归纳推理由假设形成、假设检验或假设选择过程组成。
Actually : every kind of science is based on inductive logic, in order to calculate, science puts forward hypothesis, forms specific " theory " to deduct, and then verify it. 事实上:世界上任何一种科学,都是从归纳逻辑出发,提出假设,形成一定的理论,进行演绎逻辑,从而产生预测,之后再进行验证。
Scientific hypothesis as the end point of inductive or abductive reasoning is also the starting point of the process from hypothesis to conclusion. 科学假设作为归纳或溯因推理的终点,它也是从假设到结论的起点。
To begin with, Cohen defines the core concept inductive support : he regards it as the support an evidence gives to a hypothesis and as based on the scientific experimental test rather than the intuition. 科恩首先对归纳支持这个核心概念作了界定,认为归纳支持是证据对于假说的支持,并且是建立在科学实验检验而不是直觉的基础上。
With the inductive program synthesis system NDIPS, this paper presents its synthesis algorithm, the organization of its hypothesis space and the search strategies it adopted. 本文以归纳程序综合系统NDIPS为背景,介绍自顶向下的归纳程序综合算法,以及程序假设空间的组织、搜索所采用的技术和策略。