As the important interior gateway protocol, the security of the OSPF protocol influences the entire autonomous system. OSPF协议作为重要的内部网关协议(IGP),其安全性关系到整个自治系统的安全。
To detect his security problems in network routing protocols, an interior gateway protocol test system was designed and implemented, on which the main features was also exhibited through system experiments. 为了能够检测特定网络中路由协议的安全性问题,本文设计并实现了一款内部网关协议(IGP)安全性测试系统,又通过实验展示了该系统的主要功能。
IS-IS is a link-state based interior gateway protocol; it is often used in metropolitan and large Internet service provider for its relatively simple mechanism. IS-IS协议是一种基于链路状态的内部网关协议(IGP),由于其机制比较简单,常被应用于城域网和大型网络服务提供商。
The reasons for BGP route instability are diverse, including Interior Gateway Protocol(IGP) instability, hardware failures, software problems, CPU power insufficient, memory insufficient, network topology change, BGP routing policies conflict and routes configuration errors. 导致BGP路由不稳定的因素很多,包括IGP不稳定、硬件故障、软件故障、路由器CPU能力不足和存储能力不足、网络拓扑改变、BGP路由策略冲突和配置错误等。
So cisco company puts forward to EIGRP ( enhanced interior gateway routing protocol ), it takes in the advantages of RIP and OSPF. Now EIGRP is widely used in cisco router. 于是cisco公司推出了结合两种优点的平衡混合型路由协议――EIGRP(增强型内部网关路由协议),该协议为cisco公司的专有协议,在cisco路由器上用的十分普遍。