It has brought to light that the institutional innovation of IPR is necessary in economy by studying the institutional arrangement in the method of law economics. 其制度安排的法经济学分析已经阐明了这一制度创新的经济必要性。
Finally, the feasibility and reality carrying out the system of possession by hierarchical governments are argued in the light of concept definition, the harmony of institutional mix and the objective facts. 最后从概念界定、制度结构的协调和客观事实三个方面论证了实行分级所有的可能性和现实性。
At present, it is suggested that the governmental role be reconstructed and adjusted in the light of the logic of governmental behavior and induced institutional demands of private higher education. 目前迫切需要做的就是基于政府的行为逻辑以及民办高等教育的诱致性制度需求,对政府角色进行新的重构和调整。
It has brought to light that IPR is the inevitable outcome of the institutional change of social history by investigating the origin of IPR in the method of law sociology. 其历史起源的法社会学分析揭示指出了这一制度变迁的历史必然性。
The Chinese insurer, which is 17 per cent owned by HSBC, is the first of its peers to get the green light to invest more of its assets abroad under the so-called Qualified Domestic Institutional Investor scheme. 汇丰银行(hsbc)持股17%的平安保险,是在所谓的合格境内机构投资者(qdii)机制下,中国首家获准将更多资产投资海外的保险公司。