Microporous polypropylene membrane has many desirable properties including high void volumes, well-controlled porosity, chemical intertness and low cost. 聚丙烯微孔膜具有价格低廉、化学和热稳定性好、机械强度高、无毒、孔隙率容易控制等优点。
But that results the high void ratio, low density, hardness, and quality bulk material. 但是采用此方法所制得的块体材料致密度小,孔隙率高,硬度值较低,性能较差。
2, red clay is pre-consolidation but has high void ratio; 红粘土是超固结性的,但同时又是高孔隙(HV)性的;
The low noise road surface have high void rate, its advantage is reduce city noise. 低噪声路面,是在城市的普通沥青路面或水泥混凝土路面或其它路面结构层上铺筑一层具有很高空隙率的沥青混合料。
Soft soil layer due to the high water content, high void ratio, high compressibility, low strength, high sensitivity and contact change, the rheological characteristics, formation from poor performance stability. 由于软土地层含水量高、孔隙比大、压缩性高、强度低、灵敏度高和易触变、流变的特性,地层自稳性能极差。