Light streaks on surface of flow are traces of highly reflective flakes. 流动表面上的亮条纹是高度反光(HR)的薄片的轨迹线。
All surfaces are provided with highly reflective coatings. You shall apply it liberally and evenly. 所有表面上均涂一层高反射膜。涂漆的量要充足、均匀。
Twenty years ago, radar observations from Earth revealed small, highly reflective areas close to Mercury's poles, suggesting the presence of ice. 二十年前,地球上的雷达观测数据显示,水星的极地拥有小块的高反射区,表明有冰存在。
Solder has highly reflective surface and low viscosity, for improved soldering and reduced waste. 锡炉表面光泽如镜,且液相体较佳,焊接性能更好,减低浪费。
Unfortunately, all of us who use computer screens have nearly spherical GetWord (" spherical ");, highly reflective objects stuck to our faces. 不幸的是,我们每位电脑使用者脸上都镶著接近球状、高反射度的东西:眼球。