The Research on the Influence of High Intensity Training(HIT) to Rowing Athlete's IgG, IgA, IgM 大强度训练对赛艇运动员IgG、IgA、IgM影响的研究
High intensity training significantly increased PAI-1 activity and did not change t-PA activity. 而大强度运动训练组t-PA活性没有改变,PAI-1活性却明显增高,表明大强度运动训练不利于改善纤溶系统的功能。
This paper summarizes the effect that high intensity training has on ATP / CP from metabolic key enzymes and metabolic substrate. 从代谢关键酶和代谢底物两方面综述了大强度训练对ATP/CP代谢的影响。
At the same time, required to increase their own specific substances in high intensity training or competition, and that is innovation. 同时也要求在高强度的训练或比赛中增加自己特有的物质,也就是创新。
The authors summarized and probed into the development of research on the optimization of intermittent high intensity training programs for high performance endurance cyclists. 就高水平耐力自行车运动员高强度间歇训练方案最优化的研究加以总结和展望。