In her system to kill a small water buffalo. 足以杀死一头小水牛(WB)了。
In Hanoi, bicycles and water buffalo have given way to motorcycles and internet cafes. 在河内,自行车和水牛(WB)已被摩托车和网吧取代。
South America has produced the world's most spectacular successes with commercial water buffalo herds. 在培育商业性水牛(WB)群方面,世界上要数南美洲的成就最为可观。
Most milk consumed in Western countries is from cows; other important sources include sheep, goats, water Buffalo, and camels. 西方国家主要从母牛身上取得奶,在别的地区,奶的主要来源包括绵羊、山羊、水牛(WB)和骆驼。
Study on Design and Application of Monitor System For Feeding Behavior of The Water Buffalo(WB) in Door 舍饲水牛(WB)采食行为监测系统的建立和应用研究