RGB color space using only the brightness information and less use of color information, and the space three components are highly correlated, human vision prefers to use hue, saturation and brightness to describe the color object is inconsistent, not suitable for edge detection task. 由于RGB空间仅利用亮度信息而较少利用颜色信息,并且该空间三分量高度相关,与人类视觉倾向于用色调、饱和度和亮度共同描述彩色物体不一致,不适合于边缘检测任务。
A real time analogue apparatus is presented, which can be suitable for terminals of PAL television system and can segment-display color images with appropriate background by hue, saturation and brightness. 本文介绍一种适用于PAL制式电视终端的模拟式实时装置。该装置能按色调、饱和度与亮度对彩色图象进行分解显示,并对显示背景作适当的处理。
The3 colour directories : hue, saturation, and brightness. 颜色的三要素:色调,饱和度,和亮度。
After analyzing the distribution characteristics of brightness, hue and saturation of ball images, it was found that the image color distortion was only related to brightness, but hue and saturation of images. 通过对球体彩色图像的亮度、色调和饱和度的分布特征的分析发现,球体图像颜色失真主要跟颜色的亮度分量有关,而与色调和饱和度分量关系不大。