The USA pavilion will also feature an array of American cultural performers & from Blue Grass(BG) to Hiphop, to Jazz to classical music. 美国馆还将以大量的美国文化表演者为特色&从蓝草(BG)、嘻哈、爵士到古典音乐。
In order to extend the area irrigated with reclaimed water for the purpose of expanding the reuse of sewage and insuring urban lawn good quality, the pot experiments of blue grass irrigated with different water resources were conducted. 为了大面积利用再生水灌溉,加大污水资源化力度,确保高质量的都市草坪,在永乐店试验站进行了不同灌溉水源灌溉草坪的试验研究。试验采用3种水源灌溉盆栽草坪:清水灌溉;
Blue Grama grass is used as pasturage and lawns and mixed with the other native grass such as Buffalo grass for ground covers. 蓝色格兰马草可以与其他的草种混合,比如野牛草。他们可以一起作为牧场和草坪草地的地被植物。
Without you, day of good blue, good grass green, even the mental derangement are getting wisdom! 没有你,天好蓝,草好绿,连神经病都变智慧了!
The sky is blue, the grass is green, may we have our Halloween. 天是蓝色,草是绿色,齐来庆祝万圣节前夜。