I got the associate degree diploma in1998, after being a patrolman for2 years. 1998年我拿到了英语专科文凭,那时候我已经是一个工作两年的巡警了。
Associate degree or above of machine, person who knows automobiles, new energy and English is preferred. 机械专业大专以上学历,懂汽车和新能源及英文者优先。
All of them are graduates of the College of International Education Associate Degree(AD) Course. 五人均是浸大国际学院副学士毕业生。
During the year, institutional reviews and programme validations were conducted for a number of self-financing post-secondary education programme providers and their higher diploma and associate degree programmes. 年内,评审局为数间自资专上教育课程主办机构及他们开办的高级文凭和副学士学位(AD)课程进行了院校评审和课程甄审。
Satisfactory completion of a two-year associate degree programme at Lingnan university. 于岭南大学完成两年副学士学位(AD)课程,成绩满意。