Are goods vehicles tracked to ensure that they have arrived at their final destination by designated time? 载货的卡车是否被追踪以确保在指定时间内到达目的地?
Of these, 91 823 were light goods vehicles, a decrease of 1.16 per cent from 1996. 其中轻型货车(GV)占91823辆,较一九九六年减少了1.16%。
The most common example is the misuse of the tractor as a light goods vehicles or a light goods vehicle as a passenger car. 最普遍的一个例子是将拖拉机用作轻量货车(GV),或者将轻量货车(GV)用作客车。
The goods vehicles had rolled off by saturday. 星期六前货物集装箱已被卸下了船。