Replaced by real grand union final outcome original make medium of formality of reunited. 以真正的大团圆结局代替了原作中的形式上的团圆。
Actually she and George Washington never met George Washington did design the Grand Union(GU). 而实际上,乔治·华盛顿总统根本就没接见过她!“伟大联盟(GU)”的设计者实际上是华盛顿总统。
" Grand union " is a kind of special phenomenon of literature in classic literature of our country, it is always found in Song dynasty's drama and novel. “大团圆”是我国古典文学特有的一种文学现象,它大量的出现在我国宋以后的戏曲小说中。
After using for reference the western nationalism and drawing on the Chinese traditional view of grand union and changeability of nations, Liang Qichao proposed " grand nationalism " to resist the foreign invasion. 梁启超在借鉴西方民族主义的基础上,吸收了中国传统的大一统观和夷夏变易观,提出了御外自强的大民族主义。
Analysis of the Economic Policy of German's Grand Union(GU) Government 德国大联盟(GU)政府经济政策剖析