Study of shape information error concealment using global motion compensation technology 全局运动补偿(GMC)技术在形状信息错误隐藏中研究
The foundation of global motion compensation is global motion estimation. 全局运动补偿(GMC)是建立在全局运动估计基础上的,本文对现有的全局运动估计算法进行研究,提出了改进算法,并在H。
Making analysis on the ITU-Recommendation H.263. Designing and implementing the H.263 video coding based on global motion compensation. 263,设计并实现了基于全局运动补偿(GMC)编码的H.263编码器。
Considering the difficulty of dynamic context pedestrian detection technology, this paper used a method that combined the global motion compensation and HOG & SVM pedestrian detector together. 通过对动态背景下行人检测技术的难点考虑,本文采用一种全局运动背景补偿与HOG&SVM相结合的行人检测方法。
A Fast Global Motion Compensation(GMC) Coding Method 一种快速全局运动补偿(GMC)编码方法