We need to learn the philosophy of science and technology knowledge, grasp the abstract theory of library science in lunwen114real terms, to explore this issue further. 我们需要学习科学技术哲学知识,把握抽象图书馆学理论的实质,就此问题做进一步探讨。
Last-ly, it describes the basic characteristics of library service innovation. Based on above discussion, readers can primarily grasp the research framework of library service innovation and form clear understanding of the con-cept and characteristics of library service innovation. 通过以上论述,读者可以初步把握图书馆服务创新的研究框架,形成对图书馆服务创新概念和特性的清晰认识,为进一步的研究奠定坚实基础。
Library ought to change the idea and grasp the opportunity with great efforts to construct the library as a learning center of the learning type society. 我们要抓住当前的良好机会,把图书馆建设成为学习型社会的学习中心。
Along with the advent of knowledge economy era, the library must grasp current excellent developing opportunity, do well the construction of the library, dive full scope to the library, and train high-quality talents with innovative ability. 随着知识经济时代的到来,图书馆工作必须抓住当前极好的发展机遇,搞好图书馆建设,充分发挥图书的作用,培养具有创新能力的高素质人才。
And the precondition is to acquire in situ spectral data of red tide, to grasp red tide's spectral characteristics by data processing and analysis and to set up spectral library of different dominant species of red tide. 但首要的前提与基础性工作是大量获取赤潮水体的现场光谱数据,通过处理与分析,掌握其光谱特性,不断充实赤潮优势种类的光谱数据库。