ADHD is abbreviate of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, which is a familiar behavior disorder in childhood. 多动症是“注意缺陷多动障碍”的简称,是儿童期常见的一种行为障碍(BD)。
The gender difference of autism lies in behavior disorder, dysphonia and intellectual characteristics. 自闭症患者在行为障碍(BD),言语障碍和智力特征上的性别差异较为显著。
The comprehensive interventions are necessary for pupils to prevent and reduce psychological behavior disorder. 为预防和减少心理行为问题应对小学生进行综合干预。
The sensory integrative ability of ADHD is relation to their behavior disorder. 且不同程度感觉统合失调的ADHD儿童的心身问题和焦虑问题有统计学差异(P<0.01),ADHD儿童的感觉统合能力与儿童行为问题存在相关。
Emotional stimulation can induce behavior disorder which reflects the features of Qi-ji disorder syndrome. 情志刺激可引起模型大鼠的一般状态、行为活动异常,反映了气机失调证的特征。