The Growth Enterprise Market(GEM) ( GEM ) is specially designed to support the development of growth enterprises. 创业板市场是特为支持有发展潜力的中小型企业的成长而设立的。
Growth Enterprise Market(GEM) provides financing channel for innovative enterprises to help enterprises establish modern enterprise system and improve market competitive power. 创业板市场不仅为创新型企业提供了融资渠道,促使创新型企业建立现代企业制度,提高创新型企业的市场竞争力;
The Risks Analysis and Countermeasures of China's Growth Enterprise Market(GEM) 我国创业板市场面临的风险及对策建议
Relevant Issues on the Development of Growth Enterprise Market(GEM) in China 中国资本市场:问题、成因、发展思路我国创业板市场发展的相关问题探讨
Then on the Growth Enterprise Market(GEM) of my understanding of the risks and propose appropriate solutions, and the value of their investment analysis. 进而对我国创业板市场的风险进行了解,并提出相应的解决措施,并对其投资价值进行相应的研究。