They simply go to a big store that they know the gift recipient likes, and buy them a voucher for the store. 他们只需要去一家销售对方心仪礼物的大商场,然后买下那里的购物礼券。
For example, if you are allowed to give the content you downloaded and paid for as a gift, the recipient may not be able to run it on his or her device because it is different from yours. 比方说,即便允许您将付费下载的内容作为礼物送给别人,但是由于接收人的设备与您的设备不同,也有可能并不能运行这些内容。
Bonus points : Combine this with theater tickets or another " activity " gift that the recipient can enjoy without the children around. 加分做法:提供看小孩服务,并送上戏票或其它活动礼物,让对方没有小孩打扰情况下好好享受一下。
If someone apologizes for giving only a small gift, the recipient may encourage the giver by quoting this proverb. 如果有人因礼物太小感到抱歉,接受者会引用这句话来宽慰对方。
Get a gift certificate for your recipient in the store of your choice. 获得我们为您在您所选择的存储收件人礼券。