Last week, I attended the UN General Assembly meeting of the International Support Group for Lebanon. 上周,我们出席了联合国大会的黎巴嫩国际援助小组会议。
Interpol issued its statement from Doha, Qatar, where the agency's general assembly meeting starts on Monday. 国际警察组织从卡塔尔的多哈发布声明,该组织的联合国大会会议(GAM)将周一在卡塔尔展开。
" Today, we gather to end Aids," Mr Ban said at the opening of the United Nations General Assembly meeting on Wednesday. “今天,我们聚集在这里消灭艾滋”,周三,潘基文先生在联合国会议的开幕式上说到。
The Moscow event will also feed into the19-20 September, 2011, United Nations General Assembly High-level Meeting on the Prevention and Control of Noncommunicable Diseases. 莫斯科会议还将为2011年9月19至20日联合国大会预防和控制非传染性疾病问题高级别会议作出贡献。
This Wednesday, the United Nations General Assembly opens a special meeting on children. 星期三,联合国大会将召开关于儿童的特别会议。