Belief propagation algorithm is the optimization algorithm based on global energy function minimization. Through information propagation between pixels, it will get the highest degree of confidence, while energy optimization function is the most stable. 置信传播算法是一种基于全局的能量最小化优化算法,通过图像像素间能量信息的传递,使构造出来的能量函数达到置信度最高、能量函数最优化的状态。
We intend to apply maximal invariable belief change operator into multi-agent systems and prove maximal invariable belief change operator is a pareto optimization. 将极大不可变信念更新算子应用到多Agent系统,证明了任意的极大不可变信念更新算子是Pareto最优的。
Each source agent possesses the capacity of learning and reasoning based on its belief and goal, and multi agents interact with each other to support the dynamic query optimization and plan execution. Agent具有信念库,目标库并在此基础上进行学习和推理,以支持信息集成系统的动态查询优化和规划的执行,提高系统的查询效率。
There are many optimization methods such as dynamic programming, graph cuts, belief propagation and so on. 这些优化方法有动态规划、图割、置信传播(Beliefpropagation,BP)等。