For upcoming program events please refer to our event calendar. 如欲知悉最新的活动项目,请查询我们的活动安排表。
The result of the first major discussion has reached the expectation, and it is a successful start for the upcoming events of this series. 首次证大焦点研讨会达到了预期的效果,为此系列的研讨会做了良好的铺垫。
Also see This Month's Sky here on our website, for star charts for the current month and for upcoming celestial events. 看到这一期的天空在这里我们网站星图与本月即将天体事件。
Do look out for The Theatre Practice's upcoming events – Practice Theatre Camp & We Sing Our Songs! 敬请留意实践剧场接下来的精彩活动-“实践戏剧营”和“我们的歌大家唱”!
For example, we could offer personalized News or reminders about upcoming events if you tell us which programs and topics you're interested in. 例如,如果您将您感兴趣的内容和话题告诉我们,我们可能会提供个性化新闻或关于即将发生事件的提示。