In the ICF experiments the maximum error between the integral results of the gated integrator and that of oscilloscope is less than 3 % of the full scale range of the gated integrator. 现场打靶测试时,积分器最大满量程误差小于3%。
This technology has been successfully applied in Germany and The Netherlands in many full - scale applications from a wide range of industrial and public sector sources, control efficiencies of more than 90 percent have been achieved for many common air pollutants, due to lower operating costs. 在德国利荷兰,针对那些来源于工业与公共场合的恶臭气体,有毒排放气体利挥发性有机气体,该技术已经成功的应用于这方面的污染治理了。
Convert the F.S. ( full scale ) listed in the table according to the rated flow range. 根据额定流量范围转换表中列出的F.S。(全方位)。
The SOI pressure sensor was developed in this paper. The full scale of the pressure sensor is between 0-1 MPa, and the temperature range is between 0-220 ℃. 本文研制出了压力满量程为0~1MPa、工作温度范围在0~220℃的SOI高温压力传感器。