For example, mortgage insurance because their home is financed and it's a requirement. 例如按揭保险,是因为他们的家园和融资的要求。
So far, 37 approved sellers have signed the master mortgage insurance policy. 截至目前为止,已有37位核准卖方签署了按揭保险总保单。
One of the hurdles of a no money down home loan is the additional cost of private mortgage insurance. 其中的一个障碍就是没有钱的额外成本下跌家私人贷款抵押保险(MI)。
What started with subprime mortgages spread to all collateralised debt obligations, endangered municipal and mortgage insurance and reinsurance companies and threatened to unravel the multi-trillion-dollar credit default swap market. 开始时,出现在次级抵押贷款上的问题,蔓延到了债务抵押债券(collateraliseddebtobligations),危及了市政及抵押担保保险公司和再保险公司,并可能危及规模数万亿美元的信贷违约掉期市场。
See the technical note at Annex I for details of the mortgage insurance product. 按揭保险产品详细资料载于附件一的技术说明内。