We only save enough money to take a real vacation every other year. 我们省足钱也只能每隔一年去度一次真正的假期(RV)。
It's never a real vacation without alcohol. 没有酒精的假期是不完整的假期。
She teaches introductory courses in bioinformatics methods for biologists and islooking forward to her next real vacation, sometime in2006. 她为生物学家们讲授生物信息学方法的课程。她正期盼着下一个假期的来临,可能在2006年的某个时候。
In many real world, repairman can take vacation or perform some secondary tasks which can have the important influence on the system reliability measures and the economic benefit of the system. 而修理工休假或从事其它的辅助工作对系统的可靠性指标或经济效益都会产生重要影响。