Dynamic Relationship Management of Strategic Alliance; International Christian Union(CU) of Business Executives 企业战略联盟的动态管理与关系管理国际基督教工商管理人员联盟
International Christian Union(CU) of Business Executives 国际基督教工商管理人员联盟
We have the chance of becoming the first big industrial nation to make the switch to renewable energy, she said after her Christian Union(CU) party and their Free Democrat coalition partners agreed a series of measures. 我们有机会成为第一个转向可再生能源的大型工业国家,她在自己所属的基民党(CDU)及其执政伙伴自民党(FDP)就一系列措施达成共识后表示。
World Christian Endeavour Union 世界基督教奋进同盟
Foreign-policy making is increasingly influenced by younger pragmatists, says Karl-Theodor Freiherr zu Guttenberg, of the Christian Social Union. 外交政策制定受到越来越多更年轻的实用主义者的影响,基督教社会联盟的Karl-TheodorFreiherrzuGuttenberg如是说到。