This indicates that the ascending CO 2 bearing hydrothermal fluid was frequently mixed with the water trapped in fractural zones, i.e. ore fluid was multiply pulsed into the ore forming system and mineralization is overprinted in the vertical direction. 这表明成矿作用过程中深部上升的富含CO2热液与断裂内原地水频繁发生混合作用,即成矿流体是多次脉动式注入的。脉动式叠加矿化的找矿意义是成矿场的垂向迁移。
The characteristics and applications of the reverse jet bag deduster, jet pulsed bag filter and electrical deduster are introduced on emphasis, meanwhile, centralized dedusting technic is recommended for vertical cement kiln plants. 其中,重点介绍了立窑反吹风清灰袋除尘器、喷吹脉冲袋除尘器和电除尘器的特点及应用,并为多台立窑企业推荐了集中除尘的技术方法。