The myocardial microcirculation perfusion was estimated according to the myocardial blush grade ( MBG ). 依据心肌呈色分级(MBG)评价心肌微循环灌注情况。
The specific conclusion of the study are as follows : 1. Line is estimated that the number of individual performance differences in a clear grade. Accuracy increased with the grade and higher estimate of the individual variables change with age. 具体研究结论如下:1.儿童的数字线估算水平有明显的年级差异,即准确性随年级的升高而升高。
The efficacy of stent group was estimated by the blood flow of TIMI ( Thrombolysis in myocardial infarction ) grade. 疗效判断:支架组按照心肌梗死溶栓治疗(TIMI)血流分级;
The soil hydraulic characteristics can be estimated accurately using the Pedo - transfer functions ( PTFs ) depending on soil fundamental parameters which are easy to get such as size - grade distribution of soil and bulk density, etc. 但利用实测的土壤基本物化特征参数,颗粒级配、土壤容重等,通过土壤传递函数(PTFs)可以较准确地内插估算出土壤水力特性参数。
Estimated that a strong sense of individual strategies accordingly the correct strategy for estimating the extent of the use of high, and vice versa, with the higher grade and the corresponding increase. 3. 估算策略意识强的儿童估算策略正确运用的程度也高,反之亦然。估算策略意识及估算技能正确运用程度随年级的增高而相应地提高。