However, not every practice nor every value from Silicon Valley is relevant to, useful or even good, for the civil service. 不过,矽谷的做法及价值,并不一定对公务员体系全盘适合、适用或甚至有好处。
At present, there exist to administrative power abuse, government and civil servants credibility is the characteristic of uncivilized reduce administrative behavior, violated the servant spirit, serious damage to the good image of the civil service system. 当前存在的以行政权力滥用、政府及公务员公信力降低为特征的不文明行政行为,违背了公仆精神,严重损害了公务员的良好形象。
He has a very good idea of how the civil service functions. 他对于文职部门的职能非常清楚。
John has a very good idea of how the civil service functions, because he has been part of it. 约翰在行政部门如何运作的问题上有一个很好的设想,因为他在那里工作。
The third part introduces some good practices on the implementation of Civil Service Career Management oversea. 第三部分介绍国外公务员职业生涯管理的一些实践做法,以及对我们的启示。