Dogs from around the world are arriving in New York for the Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show. 当时全球各地的狗狗都汇聚到纽约,准备参加威斯敏斯特肯纳俱乐部狗狗秀。
Their electoral registers would determine eligibility to vote in an independence referendum. Assuming a Yes I cannot imagine any other possibility a new parliament would be established at Westminster. 它们的选民名册将决定是否有资格在独立公投中投票。假设投票支持独立(我想象不到其它可能性),新议会将设在威斯敏斯特。
Passed by the coalition, this dictates that a referendum must be held on any new EU treaty that shifts power from Westminster to Brussels. 这份获得联合政府通过的法案规定,任何一份将权力从议会转移到布鲁塞尔的欧盟新条约都必须接受全民公决。
This unlikely axis has functioned surprisingly well & yielding a new culture of pragmatic compromise and, if anything, fewer tensions than the coalition partnership at Westminster. 这看似天方夜谭的合作竟运作得出人意料的好&它创造了一种很实用的折衷文化,或许比维斯特敏斯特议会的合作方式更加有效。
The new notes will feature a photograph of the wartime prime minister and his famous words I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears and sweat alongside a view of Westminster. 新的纸币上将印有这位战时首相的照片,并且在威斯敏斯特(英国议会大厦)图片边上印有他的名言我能奉献给你们的,只有热血、辛劳、眼泪和汗水。